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Saturday 12 September 2015

Gabriel Barros ; threats of hacking and intimidation

Gabriel Barros seems to be even more unstable and has escalated his stalking with his latest threats to hack my mobile phone after I complained about him posting meme'd pics of me he stole from facebook and my email address and now he's advising me to change my passwords because he knows what sort of phone I have and he's implying he's going to hack my phone.

As you can see Mary Ann Redfern is one of Gabbi's partners in crime literally they both stalk people they label as pitbull owners or as they say "pitnutters.

You are a walking, talking obscenity. You are vile, vicious, malicious..............and why in the world would you have a pic of yourself that looks like that ANYWHERE on the internet? Bwahahaha...if you accidentally took that pic of yourself, you should have deleted it immediately...WHY would you keep it, never mind post it on the internet? eeewwwwwww

    Now if you don't actually own a pitbull and only oppose breed specific legislation because it ignores victims of "non" banned breeds and does nothing to prevent similar deaths in the future be prepared to cop this sort of crap from Colleens culties.

    These so-called public safety advocates do this sort of thing daily seemingly with impunity even bold enough to tell what sort of phone I own and he covertly warns me to change my passwords so Gabriel is not only classy but he's subtle too?

    Gabriel Barros

    I'm just telling you to change your passwords every 60 days. Everyone knows this it seems except you.
    Sheesh, try to be nice.

    Gabriel obviously isn't smart enough to realize how many laws he's breaking or the subsequent penalties involved other wise he wouldn't be running his mouth like the village idiot.

    I invite Gabriel to continue his tactics at his own risk the wheels of justice are going to roll right over the top of him before too long and I can't wait for Karma to bring him what he truly deserves.

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