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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Dennis Ballance Sr - "Kimberly Stojakovic you know who is dangerous? People like you and Daxton's Friends"


I have never seen a victims advocacy trash a deceased victim like I see Daxton's Friends members do. "Porsche Cartee, 25, of Spartanburg died from dog bites to the head and body. "- WYFF4 reports A...
  • Lorena McGovern likes this.
  • Dennis Ballance Sr Kimberly Stojakovic you know who is dangerous? People like you and Daxton's Friends. Tell the public how you guys really feel about victims! Never knew I was dangerous
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Donnalyn Wigan Pit bull advocates would never trash a deceased pit bull victim.
    14 hrs · Like · 1
  • Myranya Werlemann *Some* people on both sides trash the victims. I do feel sorry for the woman and her family. Nicole herself in particular. My comment earlier: "She didn't have kids of her own yet I don't think. Pit had been in the family for 10 years, an update says, which means the victim was still a teenager when they got the dog. Tough for someone to see the truth about these animals when growing up in a pit propaganda home, and I can't believe the mom kept the dog after it already hospitalized her once!"
    14 hrs · Like · 5
  • Lorena McGovern Donnalyn maybe you are joking but pit bull advocates definitely do trash victims all the time, even little babies and their parents!! I support Marc in what he said, he is right. This was a typical nutter family that let that horrible dog attack a person and still kept it around. They got what they asked for. Better them be the victims than an innocent person who lived next door or just happened to be walking by. Thank God it wasn't a baby!
    14 hrs · Like · 6
  • Lorena McGovern Myranya, I would feel the same if it weren't for the dog having attacked the mother before, and then they were just plain stupid to keep it around. Reckless too, since it could have gotten someone else in the neighborhood just as easily.
    14 hrs · Like · 4
  • Myranya Werlemann Yes the mom should have known better, especially after the dog put her in the hospital, I wonder when/how she got into pit bulls?? For Nicole, we knew she grew up with them, and it's tough to go against your own family, regardless of what it's about... pit bulls, extreme religion/cults, crime, whatever else you name... many many people stick with what they've grown up with, first of all the people with little education and those who are natural followers, but even those with higher education who seem rational and independent about most things in life often have a hard time getting away from what they've been indoctrinated with at home. Some people do, many others don't manage, or not until a much later age (if they get that chance).
    14 hrs · Like · 6
  • Myranya Werlemann *If* the choice is between the owner's family and some random passerby or neighbor, yes then better the owner.. but best it be neither. I try to educate all, even those who claim they are not willing to listen. I hope that some of them will read the links, will start to think and doubt and eventually see the true risk, even if they may not want to admit it openly.. If we alienate the pit owners, that's not going to happen, none of them will read our material if we are that harsh, and we may even put off some of the fence-sitters, who may read posts like William wrote and judge us to be just as nutty as those who promote the dogs.
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Be flattered, Dennis - you've upset the Queen-hag of Frotherdom - wonderful stuff! grin emoticon
    14 hrs · Like · 8
  • Dennis Ballance Sr The facts really upset them still waiting for her to prove to me that most of the deaths in 2015 were not by pit bulls
    13 hrs · Like · 2
  • Donnalyn Wigan I was being sarcastic wink emoticon Pit pushers say the worst things about pit bull victims, often directly to the bereaved parents and relatives.
    13 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lorena McGovern I thought maybe so.
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lorena McGovern Myrana, I don't care a bit if the pit-pushers think I'm mean or nutty. I don't care about alienating them. Nice people like you can reach out to them if you want, but to me it's a total waste of time. I just tell the truth as I see it, and the truth is rather ugly when it comes to all the bloodshed of innocents that the nutters and their abominations perpetrate on society.
    13 hrs · Like · 2
  • Julia Lewis Dennis Ballance Sr, where did Kimberly S refer to you? I can't see it, only the comments by Marc Brown.
    13 hrs · Like
  • Dennis Ballance Sr my first comment on this post was from her on a story i was posting on
    13 hrs · Like
  • Donnalyn Wigan I think the nutters are beyond help, but others will read the conversations. I do think it's harsh and unhelpful to be callous about any fatal dog attack, but I can also understand the levels of frustration there. Pit owners don't just endanger themselves, but everyone else. It's like drunk driving.
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Julia Lewis If anyone gets quoted or mentioned by Kimberly S, it means whatever you have said has struck home.
    13 hrs · Like · 6
  • Dennis Ballance Sr Julia that link above
    13 hrs · Like
  • Julia Lewis Oh that's brilliant! Well done!.
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Julia Lewis I hadn't seen that conversation until now.
    13 hrs · Like
  • Lorena McGovern I think there is value in the harshness, calling them out for what they cause. There is also value in the reaching out by the nicer and more patient among us. Everyone has their own unique part.
    13 hrs · Like · 8
  • Lorena McGovern Both Dennis and Marc Brown are heavy hitters and I admire them very much!
    13 hrs · Like · 6
  • Donnalyn Wigan To continue the drunk driving analogy, it's generally understood that people can both see it's a tragedy and simultaneously feel relief when a fatality is limited to the one who chose to gamble their and others' lives. I think most pro-BSL people would fall in that category.
    13 hrs · Edited · Like · 2
  • Julia Lewis Dennis Ballance Sr, I just put a comment addressed to Kimberly underneath that one from her. Hope she sees it.
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Dennis Ballance Sr I just read it
    13 hrs · Like
  • Laurie Miller Musselman They are liars. They can not read for comprehension. They are warning others of the deadly nature of the pit bull. Daxtons friends advocate for victims. We warn about pit bulls. How can they not comprehend this? Pit bull worshippers are just the stupidest people in the world, this is proof! Again, you just can't fix stupid.
    13 hrs · Like · 2
  • Julia Lewis People like Kimberly S are all wrong when they attack us for criticising victims. She doesn't realise that people like Marc Brown may go OTT at times but it's because they are really angry at the carnage caused by these dogs and want it to stop.
    13 hrs · Like · 9
  • Donnalyn Wigan Yes, what is the excuse for what pit pushers say about deceased pit bull victims, especially directly to their parents/relatives?
    13 hrs · Like · 2
  • Eve Sylvie Oh great. How did I get involved in that?
    12 hrs · Like
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe She got you, Eve? I hope she got me; I feel left out here.
    12 hrs · Like · 3
  • Eve Sylvie All I wrote is "Brainwashed" and she posted my comment.
    12 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Yeah, just saw it. It's not a dishonest remark; I think the same thing. It looks like she was purely focussed on the other remarks, and yours just happened to BE there.

    You must try harder to upset the Great One.
    12 hrs · Like · 3
  • Amy Luongo I have empathy for victims that are mauled by Pitt-bulls, their own dogs or others. I don't see any value in talking ill of the dead. I don't know the whole situation around her death but i still wouldn't disrespect her. Pit advocate or not. That is not who i am.
    12 hrs · Like · 5
  • Lorena McGovern Eve, it's a sad fact that the owners of maulers are every bit as nasty inside as their "dogs."
    12 hrs · Like · 4
  • Lorena McGovern Amy, that is great for you to have that virtue. I am saying that some of us who get a little down and dirty with these freaks are doing a service too, just makes some nicer folks a little uncomfortable. All's fair in love and war as they say.
    12 hrs · Like · 5
  • Amy Luongo No i have seen Pitt advocates be disgusting to Jeff. I have read the horrible things they have written. It is disgusting. I choose to take the high road and not be disrespectful to Porsche and her family. Pitt-bull advocate or not, she didn't deserve that kind of death...nobody does. frown emoticon
    11 hrs · Like · 8
  • Eve Sylvie Apparently she hated her first name Porsche and went by Nicole.
    11 hrs · Like · 2
  • Dennis Ballance Sr Amy Luongo I am easy going and try to show respect to everyone and not get into name calling. But a comment made about Dax pizzed me off. I wanted to kick the guys azz that said it but I walked away from the keyboard before I said something
    11 hrs · Like · 4
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Well, I wouldn't wish her demise on anyone, to be honest. And I particularly feel for her partner and HIS mother who knew how dangerous the animal was. The dog clearly had deep issues with her mother, attacking her mother once previously and then going for it again on that fateful day. 

    Nicole suffered a re-direction when she tried to save her mother - what an absolute horror it must have been. The dog was no longer recognisable in any sense, it was primed, locked and loaded, unfurling like a Deathshead moth from its chrysalis, changed and Becoming itself - only death was going to stop it. 

    Nicole's mother must be beyond heart-broken. Imagine what she must have seen, and been powerless to stop. And Nicole's sister too. SO many warnings and portents of what was in the wind, but still they soldiered on with that ticking time-bomb in their family. 

    One can only hope that their story may ring a sonorous bell in the minds of others who keep a dog that is slowly revealing itself to be lethal. An old Pit Bull too - a rare and deadly bird.
    11 hrs · Like · 8
  • Dennis Ballance Sr I watched a interview today with the daughters boyfriend he said he told them the dog was going to kill someone
    11 hrs · Like · 7
  • Vonnie Harvey Dunn If this woman had heeded the warnings and statistics made available by Daxton's Friends et.all. she wouldn't have been a victim. By advocating the breed she was a perpetrator and likely contributed to maulings and killings of true victims. I have as much sympathy for her as I have for the bull fighter who was gored to death by the bull he had planned to slowly torture to death.
    11 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lorena McGovern For the record, I don't think she deserved death either. I just don't feel sorry for her or her mom. Looking at it analytically, the more pits who kill their owners instead of innocent bystanders it stands to reason might prevent future nutters from going down that road. That is the ultimate goal: a society virtually free from dog maulings/killings, as it would be without pit bulls.
    11 hrs · Like · 4
  • Laurie Miller Musselman This is a classic case of not understanding dog psychology. We want to believe that our loved ones will reform, will get better, when they show bad and violent behavior. Humans can reform. Dogs can not, once they display violent behavior, we must comprehend the psychology of a dog. If they are violent, if they bite, that is in their nature and we MUST understand it, and they must be put down, for the sake of public safety.
    11 hrs · Like · 4
  • Eve Sylvie I once posted this and was attacked by people in our group, but everything I've read indicates that attacking is a learned behavior. Not in the sense that it must be trained, but once the dog does it the first time, he has learned it, and will do it again and again, escalating every time.
    11 hrs · Like · 5
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe What has been lit cannot be unlit, eh. I wonder if there's a sense of release and pleasure with a Pit Bull when it first claims a victim, even if it doesn't manage to complete the job. Pleasure-biting has got to be a real frankenmauler trait. 

    A lot of them seem to start with killing dogs or cats, or both.
    10 hrs · Like · 3
  • Dennis Ballance Sr My bird dogs would go out in the field and spend the day pointing with no one around. I would watch them out the window they acted like the were having a good time. Same may be true of pit bulls doing what they were breed to do
    10 hrs · Edited · Like · 7
  • Rebecca Wheeler Hah. So she thinks that's bad? She needs to read what Jeff Borchardt has to say about the way HE was treated by his so-called friends on Facebook when his precious son was killed. 
    I don't get shocked to that degree very easily anymore, but I literally
     couldn't believe my eyes. I'm not so sure I could have contained myself had it been me.
    Truthfully? The victims boyfriend couldn't ask for a better person to be in his camp. 
    We all handle things differently, and some like Marc give unashamed voice to what many are thinking. I am grateful there are folks unafraid to speak out. What if Colleen Lynn had been afraid? What if the people who run these pages like this one had been afraid? People like ME would still be in the dark. 
    Thank God for the unafraid!
    10 hrs · Like · 8
  • Lynne Smith I think its very true that we all have a place in this fight. For some of us, just healing and helping other victims is the main important thing, for others its really sticking their necks out and leading the way. People that can make public comments on articles that inform the public without getting bogged down in shouting matches with pit lovers should be commenting. We are always being watched and scrutinized, unfairly, as evidenced by this blog link. Keep that in mind when you comment and who you comment with - some people don't care about these things, others do - and both views should be respected. And contrast is good - a calm factual argument is always more attractive than a raving emotional one. That is why our message is so appealing, and why blogs like that have to try so hard to preach to the choir.
    8 hrs · Like · 5
  • Lisa Trujillo I blocked kimberly Stajokovich a long time ago. She isn't worth the time or attention. Let her lie and ignore her. She is digging her own hole with her hatred. She is a liar and a hateful person who twists people's words around to benefit her small feeble mind and her big fat selfish, sociopathic brain and not to mention her drawn on eye eyebrows and her stupid pictures that she thinks make her look hip.
    If anything feel sorry for such a an idiot. And send her some cupcakes, she needs more of those while she's sitting on her big fat ass dissing people.
    6 hrs · Edited · Like · 4
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe I too blocked her yonks ago. And I do feel sorry for her at times. A little bit of me feels sorry for ANY of these muppets that think they can defend the indefensible.
    6 hrs · Like · 2


  1. they seem to hate having their comments published and yet they continue to make these crazy comments on a public forum?

  2. I'd love to see ONE instance of a reputable Anti-BSL advocate attacking victims, and compare it to the hundreds of times "reputable" Pro-Bsl advocates did the same
