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Saturday 7 March 2015

former firefighter from hell

Guess who has slithered their vile self back into Facebook into the loving arms of the Founding Board member of Daxton’s friends?
Let me give you a hint:
You can try blinding the dog with a screwdriver through its eyes, which would “hopefully” drive, “into his brain.” Prince’s comments also suggested using gasoline or kerosene with a match to stop a pit bull attack. A chainsaw would be effective, but messy, he also advised against running a pit bull over because he had, “not heard of this being successful.”
Mr. Richard Prince or his current Facebook name: Ricky Prince.

Mr. Prince’s violent solutions on how to kill a pit bull is supported by his fellow friends Jeff Borchardt & Pame Ashley.  It’s obvious that the public shame of being exposed caused him to retreat from social media, even claiming that Prince was very remorseful in his behavior, although I’m 100% sure he’s only remorseful about being busted.

It seems that the BSL crowd was offended that the public servant was held accountable for his disgusting behavior while on duty and using equipment provided by the tax payers.  They cried “it was only hypothetical!” Right…. Because someone just hypothetically presents well thought out plans of how to torture or kill dogs.

Richard aka Ricky Prince is hitting the ground running with new ideas to support Jeff and the cult members.
“I’ve been wondering about those photos pame. Can we make a dartboard cover with this picture? I know about 45000 that would buy it”
You know…. I have spoken before about the legitimacy of Jeff’s claims of harassment. It’s absolutely feasible for Jeff and his fellow buddies to create profiles and send those supposed comments about Dax, but I find it odd that Richard brings up the dart board comment. I find it even odder that Jeff Borchart likes this comment.

“If we can get victim money from it, let me know…I have lots…even with colleen”- Pame
Well, of course they suppprt this idea…. I think we all know it’s all about the money. What does Pame have alot of? Money for victims that’s never used on victims?
“That’s actually a good idea Rick… lol”- Jeff Borchardt 
Hmmm… it makes me wonder if Jeff really is behind the post & meme of using his son as a dartboard after all. It’s a vile comment and would gain a lot of sympathy from many sources and fuels his victim role.
Be prepared folks, I have a feeling there is a lot more to uncover…..

Jackie Jenkins posted a message on a fundraising campaign using FundRazr. March 2 at 10:30am · I am sure if I contacted the adopting family, the story would be much different than the one you have told here. I see this type of behavior from shelters and rescues all the time

Jackie Jenkins posted a message on a fundraising campaign using FundRazr.
I am sure if I contacted the adopting family, the story would be much different than the one you have told here. I see this type of behavior from shelters and rescues all the time. Blame blame blame anyone but the dog, this dog has issues, yet you are willing to put it out there on someone else. I will be watching, I feel like this dogs continued support will end in a tragedy. I do not understand when there are so many other breeds, the focus is predominantly on a dangerous pitbull, your ...
Only weeks ago Diamond was adopted by a family in NY that was screened by volunteers & passed through her trainers at True Companion. They appeared to be a good fit to everyone involved. I had a difficult time keeping contact in this time frame ...

Friday 6 March 2015

Pamela Proud Kafir12:08 PM +Ben Dover maybe I should bring a pit bull to your house and let it rip your non pit bull dogs to shreds I mean REALLY are pit bulls some protected species that all other animals have to BOW DOWN and just take their maulings and killings? SINCE WHEN IS A 50 LB goat nursing her 2 day old BABY a threat to a PIT BULL? Since when is a GOAT minding its own business REASON for a PIT BULL to go on a RAMPAGE? People like YOU FAKE whiny pit bull apologists clearly need to be a victim of a pit bull attack to get a clue..I hope and pray a PIT BULL meets your FACE because we all know those sweet smiling pit bulls would NEVER bit you in your face because you are a pit bull apologist they wouldnt DARE maul you RIGHT?

 commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly  -  Mar 4, 2015
so it's ok to pick a dog up and slam a dog on the ground? , that's animal abuse is it not?, and don't courts usually require evidence? she didn't see the dog attack the goats but found them dead? 

Mary Ann Redfern's profile photo
Ben Dover's profile photo
Mar 4, 2015
Did you see her do that?  Do you actually believe what she was saying?  SMH!
Ben Dover
Mar 4, 2015
the whole story was light on facts pams txts prove nothing other then she sent txts it doesn't prove the ladys dog was there does it? and I assumed you'd have no problem with the whole dog slamming thing because you're a DBO cultists , and you all regularly brag about killing pitbulls, even Pam liner verified her son kills pitbulls but she's not a nutter of course not, you all are nutters, grow up!
Mar 4, 2015
+Ben Dover  - You're welcome to find anywhere that I "brag about killing pitbulls" and post the link to the video.
Otherwise, stop making stuff up.
It ruins your credibility.
Ben Dover
Mar 4, 2015
you tell me your name and i'm sure there's comments to be found? oh and someone using a fake made up name questioning  a legitimate user's credibility is a joke just like you actually, pmsl.
Mar 4, 2015
+Ben Dover  -  look for my comments under YouTube username "nameofthepen".
And don't pretend your user name is your birth name, unless you want to look even dumber than you do already.
Ben Dover
Mar 4, 2015
well assuming your parents weren't cruel enough to call you "nameofthepen". you have a hide insinuating my names not real, where's your proof I'm a fake? oh don't have any? well that's typical of a DBO cultist?
Ben Dover
Mar 5, 2015
typical DBO cultist behaviour twist my words, I didn't say she had no right being mad Velvet if her goat was dead she had every right to be mad but did slamming the doopg on the ground bring the goat back to life? NO, and you can't control your potty mouth please refrain from commenting all together thank you.
Velvet Norman
Mar 5, 2015
I would have shot the dog
Ben Dover
Mar 5, 2015
I figured that but that wouldn't have brought the goat back to life ether would it, but atleast you'd be doing what you love, killing pitbulls? and you say pit owners are the dangerous ones?
Velvet Norman
Mar 5, 2015
Talking about changing people's words up. I never said I liked killing pot bulls. But if one comes in my yard and attacks anything of mine you bet I would kill it. If you pit nuts love your dogs than keep them put up. 
Velvet Norman
Mar 5, 2015
Now bend over go play with yourself. The fact that you love what these dogs do sickens me. :) have a great day lol
Mar 5, 2015
+Ben Dover
Just because a person puts up a first and last name on their profile doesn't mean that person is who they say they are.  I could easily change mine to something like "Donald Trump" but that doesn't mean I would be him.  A name of any kind does not actually lend credibility at all on the World Wide Web unless someone is dumb enough to post up his/her driver's license. Hey, I have a great idea, how about you do that so we can see that you are really Ben Dover.   Then it still won't matter to anyone because you are still a nobody.
Mar 5, 2015
Why would I bother, because I really don't care who you are or what you think? Any moron with an internet connection can have a blog.
Mar 5, 2015
Tsk...tsk. You seem so insecure.
Velvet Norman
Mar 5, 2015
+Ben Dover who cares what you think about Jeff? I know he's a good man and doing the right thing. 
Mary Ann Redfern
Yesterday 11:23 AM
+Ben Dover If that had been my goats, she would've gotten her pit bull back in a Hefty bag, so quitcherbitchin, nitwit. 
Mary Ann Redfern
Yesterday 11:26 AM
+Ben Dover The law in every jurisdiction I am aware of gives one the total right to kill any animal, wild or domesticated, that is harassing or killing domestic animals on their own property.  Go eat worms, dogbreath. 
Pamela Proud Kafir
12:08 PM
+Ben Dover maybe I should bring a pit bull to your house and let it rip your non pit bull dogs to shreds I mean REALLY are pit bulls some protected species that all other animals have to BOW DOWN and just take their maulings and killings? SINCE WHEN IS A 50 LB goat nursing her 2 day old BABY a threat to a PIT BULL? Since when is a GOAT minding its own business REASON for a PIT BULL to go on a RAMPAGE? People like YOU FAKE whiny pit bull apologists clearly need to be a victim of a pit bull attack to get a clue..I hope and pray a PIT BULL meets your FACE because we all know those sweet smiling pit bulls would NEVER bit you in your face because you are a pit bull apologist they wouldnt DARE maul you RIGHT?