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Friday 6 March 2015

Laurie Miller Musselman Somebody took justice into their own hands. I don't necessarily believe the report by landowner, Tonja Vasquez, and I find it very difficult to believe that of all 9 of the adult dogs, that not even 1 of them showed any scar, bite marks or signs of any fighting. I got this from a pit bull lover friend who seems very upset over this. This is probably what happens when you have people who are so insanely hostile over protecting the breed, you will see a subterfuge of passive aggressive types that will decide instead of arguing, they will seek their own form of justice. Just my thoughts on what might be happening here.

Nine pit bulls, one of them pregnant with eight puppies, were found shot to death on an interstate access road and Central Texas deputies are looking for the person...
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  • 13 people like this.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Gruesome. I wonder what the back story is. Much as I find these dogs all kinds of wrong in a modern setting, I find no pleasure in this. They are the most abused of dogs, as well as being the most abusive/violent of dogs themselves.

    Breed Specific Legislations would stop a lot of this, as well as seriously cutting down the 1,000,000 of them euthanised in Shelters annually.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe I wondered if they were fighting dogs, scarred and fit. But not so. 

    "FREESTONE COUNTY (March 3, 2015) 

    Nine pit bulls, one of them pregnant with eight puppies, were found shot to death on an Interstate 45 access road and deputies are looking for the person who shot them. 

    Landowner Tonja Vasquez said she found the dogs and was determined to find out how they died. A local veterinarian confirmed the dogs were in good health when they were shot and one of them was pregnant. "They were all in good shape," Dr. Joe Bennett said. "As they were pits you think about them as fighting one (another), but there were no bite marks on these dogs and their coats were good," he said. "It's just real bad. The cruelty is going to have to stop," Vasquez said. "Whatever they did they could have been properly put to rest, you know, put down, and someone took it upon themselves to just shoot all these dogs … they shot them all in the head." 

    Vasquez and a group of volunteers gathered on Sunday to bury the dogs on her property and mark their graves with sticks. "This is cruel. This is an act of cruelty and these dogs didn't deserve what they got," Vasquez said. "This is inhumane and I just wanted to give them our respect and show them there are people who care about them and I know in Jesus' name that they are in heaven and I know right that they are resting. They are resting," she said. Vasquez told News 10 she has notified the Freestone County Sheriff's Office and deputies are looking into the incident."
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Now they will be cynically used as propaganda by the Pro-Pit Bull advocates, engendering nothing but empty sentiments and boo-hoo's from the emotionally reactive public, yet little to nothing will be said about getting their numbers down through mandatory spay/neutering or Breed Specific Legislations. Born to die.
  • Laurie Miller Musselman Somebody took justice into their own hands. I don't necessarily believe the report by landowner, Tonja Vasquez, and I find it very difficult to believe that of all 9 of the adult dogs, that not even 1 of them showed any scar, bite marks or signs of any fighting. I got this from a pit bull lover friend who seems very upset over this. This is probably what happens when you have people who are so insanely hostile over protecting the breed, you will see a subterfuge of passive aggressive types that will decide instead of arguing, they will seek their own form of justice. Just my thoughts on what might be happening here.
  • Lorena McGovern Maybe someone needed to clean up their neighborhood.
  • Cheryl Brown No reports of the dogs being stolen so that implies the owner is the probable suspect. Possibly a breeding operation that needed to close in a hurry or simply "pets" that the owner decided they didn't want to bother with any more.
  • Laurie Miller Musselman I looked around the internet and I think I found the reason in the comments: Commenter: Anon: No, they are not victims of dog fighting, they are victims of an irresponsible owner who allowed her dogs to leave her property time after time which led to the dogs attacking and killing the neighbors' family dogs over a 3 month period. She did nothing to stop it, even after knowing what they were doing. The law was called every time and the people were told they couldn't help them, they would have to handle it themselves. The neighbor made a very poor decision as to how it was handled, and I am horrified by it, but if the owner had just kept her dogs confined, none of this would've happened. We also need much better laws on nuisance animals in rural areas so that people don't have to go through this. People also don't need to have more dogs than they can properly care for. Having 12 Pit bulls, one being pregnant, and claiming you can't afford to fix them is ridiculous!!
    The Freestone County Sheriff's Department is...
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe I get the feeling, and I could be wrong, that someone may have 'inherited' this group of dogs from a dog-hoarding/rescuing relative that has either died, gone into hospital, a care setting or prison, and who simply couldn't be bothered to re-home them or have them removed. A son with a gun, or a grandson with a gun. 

    It was a clumsy dumping of them, though. Traceable, I should think.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Wow Laurie! If that is true, then it WAS a revenge killing on loose and dangerous dogs. Yikes, what kind of person needed so many Pit dogs?
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Better they are dead, if they have been killing dogs belonging to other people. I hate to see dog-killing Pit Bulls being offered up for rehoming in Shelters. SO wrong.
  • Jan Smith The neighbor who shot those pit bulls did NOT make a poor decision. They'd tried everything else, they were told they'd have to handle it themselves. It's appalling that anyone would think there's some obligation to let normal dogs continue to be slaughtered, slowly, painfully, rather than killing the gripping bulldogs. This person did the right thing.;
  • Jan Smith A single normal dog's life is worth the life of ten grippers any day of the week. A single child's life is worth the life of thousands of these grippers. Don't want your mauler shot? Then keep it away from all of us.
  • Olivia Wyatt It was probably someone who was either a victim or they lost a loved one to a pit bull attack and decided to become a vigilante. Just like the old Charles Bronson movies where he kills all the bad guys.
  • Olivia Wyatt At the end of the movie, the sheriff lets Charles Bronson go free.
  • Gail L Rosbach They had a Pit Bull serial killer in San Antonio for awhile in 2011. Don't know if he was ever caught. I honestly don't think they were trying too hard to find the person
    March 4 at 4:03pm · Edited · Like · 6
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe I wonder if this particular Pit despatch effort will be laid at the door of the 'DBO Culties'. Seems to me that if a Pit dog turns up dead, one of US is to blame... so sayeth the Nutters.
  • Laurie Miller Musselman Also in the comments, people are all saying that pit bulls are going missing in Texas, many pit bulls have gone missing recently. They are wondering why. It didn't take long for a rescue person to say that they had plenty of pit bulls to choose from, just contact them.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Disposable dogs. Lost your Pit Bull? Adopt another one. Plenty more where that one came from. That's awful. 

    Realistically, those 'missing Pit Bulls' were probably allowed to roam or they got out (as they do, so very easily). They are probably already IN the local Shelter, not neutered and not microchipped either. The ultimate canine escape-artists, in the hands of fools.
  • Gail L Rosbach I can't enlarge the picture to see if they have battle scars or wounds. This is in Texas so could have happened for any number of reasons. My guess is probably someone was breeding them, and they got too aggressive and maybe some bites and attacked occured or they just found out no one would buy their pups and had to give them away
  • Gail L Rosbach I was wondering about those giant 174 lb. Pit Bulls. If normal sized Pit Bulls can have as many as 15 or 16 pups in one litter, what are those giant freaks going to pump out?
  • Anthony Michael Ridge I see no collars. I enlarged the pictures, none, i repeat none had collars indicating owners or anyone cares about their dog, your dog runs loos like this It will get shot, good they aren't out their looking for someone to kill
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Gail - they were all despatched with a single shot to the head. And apparently they have no scars or wounds. They may have been killing someone's local dogs, and they were advised to deal with it themselves, which they apparently did.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Laurie found this in comments, Gail.

    "No, they are not victims of dog fighting, they are victims of an irresponsible owner who allowed her dogs to leave her property time after time which led to the dogs attacking and killing the neighbors' family dog
    ...See More
  • Sarah Halas Maybe it was the firefighter lmao 
  • Karin Johnson- Samuelson That's what they tell you to do in rural parts of Texas. Exactly what my county has told me to do on several different occasions.
  • Eve Sylvie I agree, ultimately, this is the owner's fault. As usual, the pit bull owner failed her own dogs.
  • Laurie Anne Not sure what to make of this. It would take quite an effort to capture this many large, strong dogs at once from someone's private property by stealth, than load and unload them into the suitably sized vehicle that would be needed to transport them. I...See More
    10 hrs · Like · 2
  • Joanna McGinn retroactive doggy birth control... must have realized what a disaster in the making they had on their hands /or were a dog fighting ring about to be busted.
    9 hrs · Like · 1
  • Joanna McGinn Eve: is it a dog fail? the ultimate best thing for these dogs is to be put down... at least they won't have to endure the meachanations of the court system which must be a terribly confusing environment for them. IMO, the best thing for these dogs is euthanization as quickly as possible. It does save HUMAN carnage. As big a dog lover as I am... and have had and trained larger breeds as well as the smaller TRUE terriers, this is not a rare breed, but one that should become extinct or one requiring a license and training to even own one with frequent inspections of the living spaces. Siknce Clark County has many large cats in private hands (they are primarily entertainers) they do inspect them frequently and regularly... In fact a large cat rescue is undergoing a very public inspections and, frankly, they look totally safe and excellent care.... such as all animals should have. But these are rescued from drug dealers and confiscated from unlicensed owners so they have been in captivity all their lives and could never be 'rehabbed' and released in their natural native habitats.
    9 hrs · Like · 2
  • Cheryl Brown I know the comment say it was a neighbor but that doesn't make sense to me. The police apparently have not received a report about the dogs being taken or missing. Ok, if the dogs were allowed to run loose the owner may not report them missing out of fear of legal repercussions but the land owner where the dogs were found doesn't seem familiar with them. If the dogs were local and chronically loose I would think she would know them. That all of the dogs were shot in the head makes it seem unlikely that a stranger to the dogs did it. Maybe they could have walked up and shot one, maybe even two, but nine? I find it hard to imagine nine dogs sitting and waiting as their companions are being shot. They had to have been confined when they were killed. The picture shows a road near the bodies but, although there are tire tracks in the grass near the road there doesn't seem to be any near the dogs, which appear to be scattered over a fairly wide area, not dumped on top of each other in a pile as you would expect if they were simply unloaded from a truck. It is legal for a resident to shoot and kill dogs on their own property if the dog is posing a threat so why move them? It doesn't make sense.
    8 hrs · Like · 3

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