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Friday 8 May 2015

Kelly Johnson Serafima, you're exactly right. Pit bull lobbyists aren't working out of love for a certain breed. They are getting paid the big bucks (like all lobbyists) to promote the breed. Why & by whom? The evil scum making millions of $$$ off Pits!!!

Despite being banned in all 50 states, dogfighting is thriving in the underground.
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  • 4 people like this.
  • Diana Kassir Even more reason to highly control (leading up to a ban) on Pit bull types. Take away the favored fighting breeds, because regular breeds won't fight that way.
    Like · Reply · 3 · April 1 at 4:40pm
  • Serafima Yan That is why pit bulls propaganda is so active and spread from every possible outlet. After all, it is always about money, as usual. Dog fighting is about huge profit, and to keep going, the pit bull mafia invest millions to represent pit bulls as pet bulls, so they could be kept in plain side, as "pets" without suspicion. Many people understand that.
    Like · Reply · 4 · April 1 at 5:31pm · Edited
  • Serafima Yan Ban fighting dogs, and there will be no animal abuse, no victims, no dog fights and a lot of tax payers money saved.
    Like · Reply · 4 · April 1 at 5:36pm
  • Katherine Von Ault Ban the breed, spay and neuter it into extinction. End its deed.
    Like · Reply · 2 · April 2 at 12:59am
  • Kelly Johnson I keep hearing about puppies and small dogs being stolen and I really believe this explains it. The evil scumbags need bait. They should be shot!
  • Kelly Johnson Serafima, you're exactly right. Pit bull lobbyists aren't working out of love for a certain breed. They are getting paid the big bucks (like all lobbyists) to promote the breed. Why & by whom? The evil scum making millions of $$$ off Pits!!!

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