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Wednesday 13 May 2015

Nancy Perdue Yeah and don't forget that guns were used to be nanny weapons to protect children hahaha!

Thank you so much for accepting me. It's nice to come to a place where you can speak the truth about Pitbull Terriers, Staffordshire Bullterriers & breeds like them, and not have someone come up with a bunch of dumb excuses on why these dogs are the way they are. We know that these dogs are the way they are, because evil human beings bred them for centuries for the purpose of blood sports. After being bred for certain vicious traits to make the ultimate canine gladiators. This is why we have so many individuals of these dogs go bad even though they were raised & trained properly. Even with good breeding these dogs still turn for no given reason other than it's their breed instincts.
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  • 18 people like this.
  • Nancy Perdue Thank you it's nice to be in a place where you can talk common sense.
  • Cindy Lorenz The statement "there are no bad dogs, there are only bad owners" is NOT true!
  • Nancy PerdueOh my god yes you are so right about that. I hate when pro pitbull supporters use that one. They also try to compare dogs to guns. Unlike guns a dog is a living thing with feelings and a mind of it's own. So for that matter a dog can act on it's own, which in a lot of these dog attack cases that's just it. Sometimes owners are responsible for their dog's actions, like if they're allowing their dog/s to roam around free. Though some dogs just get out of their yards on their own.
  • Cindy Lorenz Dogs & guns can't be compared! As far as I know, my Smith & Wesson has never crawled out of my purse & gone after anyone. None of my guns have ever jumped out of my vehicle or escaped.
  • Nancy Perdue frown emoticon Yep! With an animal that was/has been selectively bred to be an ultimate fighting/killing machine no amount of love & good training can take out what has been bred into it's genetics. I'm glad your daughter is alright.
  • Nancy Perdue Cindy Lorenz hahahaha! grin emoticon Yes as long as you are good your guns will be good too. Guns don't have thoughts, feelings, or a personality.
  • Cindy Lorenz I hope so- I better go zip up my purse! If it ever gets loose & shoots someone, I'll just tell them it was abused before I rescued it
  • Nancy Perdue Yeah and don't forget that guns were used to be nanny weapons to protect children hahaha!
  • Nancy Perdue Hey we're just saying it like it is! grin emoticon
  • Nancy Perdue I'm so glad that this group & another one that I joined will only allow memebers to post comments. We should have some places to go to where we won't be bashed by all the in denial Morons out there.
  • Cindy Lorenz I've grown up in a area where dog fighting is very common. I've seen what they can do & had a lot of close calls with them. I don't take my own dogs out in public without a weapon & I never go to dog parks!
  • Nancy Perdue You'd think after so many years of these dogs being available to the public, and showing what they're capable of them selves. That people would've gotten it through their heads now that these dogs just aren't meant to be kept as house hold companions. I guess most villages are just infested with too many Idiots? frown emoticon
    May 12 at 1:30pm · Edited · Like · 3
  • Nancy PerdueOh yeah I've been saying that most Pitbull lovers are just in denial Fools. It just really stinks & sucks that you have to be so careful for speaking the truth about Pitbulls, and other blood sport breeds as Pitbulls are not the only breed of dog that's even been developed for fighting to the death. I hate it when they always say "it's not the dogs it's the owners, pitbulls are only vicious of they're trained to be. Well if that's the case then why do so many that were raised right since puppy hood attack & kill with out being provoked?

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